December 30, 2008

2008 Contemplations!

I am usually not the person who does that kind of end of year contemplations, and I am definitely do not do New Year’s resolutions either. However, everyone I know (and even those I don’t) seem to be taking the time to give 2008 a general overview!

It’s sad though how a lot of people keep counting the misfortunes that happened in the ending year. I mean, come on, there must be some good stuff that happened; otherwise, it would feel like a whole year has been completely wasted!

My friend told me it’s almost impossible to find anything good that happened in 2008 globally! I won’t try to prove her wrong; I’m too tired to do exhaust my brain cells. Instead, I decided to figure out the good things that happened to me in 2008.

It took me a rather long tour on my blog reviewing the posts I wrote since January! I rather find myself feeling the same about this year like I felt about August!

Anyways, I will be more specific about things that happened through the year which I consider positive…

I made new friends, I’m really grateful!

I managed to make more personal space for myself; I went to the movies a few times and been to a couple of music concerts, which is a big deal to a single mom!

I had two reunions with childhood friends; one in Jan, a 5-day trip to Luxor & Aswan, and the other in Aug, a 4-day trip all through the North Coast (Cairo, Alex, Matrouh, North Coast, Cairo)!! It was great meeting up with those guys again; I hope it happens again soon.

Kept my job for more than a year now with continuous positive feedback (aside from my daily morning tardiness :$). Managed two banquets for companies within the same field, and made good contacts with people from our Head Office, can’t complain at all!

Decided to start the D Blog as my way of giving something positive back, and this blog has earned me two precious friends (I know, it should fall into the friends category on top)!

I floated! (that was one hell of an accomplishment!!)

Went to Art Therapy and enjoyed it!

Had a kickass virtual birthday, and had dinner on the same day with my two best friends D & H :)

Caught up with M during his brief visit to Egypt and managed to have the most interesting conversations with him!

Became an auntie to two cuties; H’s baby boy on Oct13 and D’s baby boy on Oct18, two Libra boys! May God bless them and grant their mommies the patience to handle their Libra quirkiness!

Finally, through all the above, I have come to know a lot more about myself and my capabilities, I set a few rules for myself to live by and lived up to most of which, and I somehow managed to accept a lot of things that I never thought I would find it in me to deal with!

Alhamdulilah, I am grateful for all that. I can feel a slight bitter aftertaste because of all the other bad things that happened through the year, but I am willing to let go of it. This is why tomorrow; I am taking the day off so that my friend (and blog partner) and I would get the chance to bid this year farewell by sealing it with one good day at any cost!

Year 2008, farewell, thanks for all the laughs, really!


Anonymous said...

This is one refreshing post...i was breathless reading if i was leaping from one station to another, it was fast and fun :)
May the coming years be much better and full of new discoveries and accomplishments...oh, and multiplied blessings ;)

2008 Hugs*
el ninth bokra Inshallah :)

insomniac said...

men bo2ek le bab el sama :)

see you tomorrow ;)

jessyz said...

I love positive posts. 2008 was a helluva year, but most years are and we usually have selective memories that learn how to hold on to either really positive or negative memories depending on our characters. Here's to a good year with all of it's events and to an even better year to come. Virtual new year hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this positive outlook.
Happy New Year


insomniac said...


i agree, every year has its set of good stuff as well as the bad :)

virtual hugs to you :)


hehe, it's the least i can do given how mopey it gets around here! happy new year to you :)

Shimaa Gamal said...

You know sometimes I think that year end is the season of bad things. te7sey keda en el sana bet7eb we heya mashya tekoon makrooha, ma3 enaha mostly betkoon fiha el 7elw wel we7esh :)
I love that positive tone.

kol sana wenty tayeba ya 2amar

Gihan said...


Positivity in the air!

insomniac said...


wento tayebeen :)

Anonymous said...

I wish you a happy new year

I hope 2009 is better than 2008, .. 2007, ..2006, .. 2005, .. 2004, ..

Are you in a hurry ? :))

Anonymous said...

Hi dear Inso :)

I was fooling around and I found this , try it :D , tell me how true is it:


Puppy said...

Happy New Year :)))

Unknown said...

May you have a great new year, full of life and happiness (:

insomniac said...

thanks Sherif, Puppy and Gohary for your warm wishes :)

R, i checked it trying some other blog addresses of people i know... the site basically analyzes the address, and of course the address is chosen by the person, so the analysis has some truth to it, but definitely not entirely :)

sorry for the late reply :))

Anonymous said...

la3al elmane3 kheir Inshallah!!